Topaz Video AI 5.3.3

The capabilities of recording equipment and media playback devices increase every year, and with them the demand for higher quality content from viewers. But that can you do about that old 720p video recorded years ago, that is now hopelessly outdated?

One option is to use a video upscaler like Topaz Video AI. It can increase the resolution of low-quality videos, as well as repair various issues, without making the result blurry or stripping away important details. It is designed to be usable by anyone, with an intuitive feature set and helpful presets.

Increase video resolution and enhance the output
  • Let’s start with upscaling. This app relies on AI models, which are trained on countless upscaled videos. Unlike other similar software, Video AI doesn’t handle each frame as a separate image. Instead, it analyzes surrounding frames to ensure the results are accurate.
  • There are multiple upscaling models you can use, depending on the type of input video, its quality, and the various issues it may be plagued with. Once you’ve set a few basic parameters (video quality, type, and artifact type), the app recommends an AI model, which can be further customized.

Increase video frame rate and create slow-motion effects

  • Aside from boosting resolution, Video AI can also add new frames to create a smoother-looking video. It generates new frames using the Chronos AI model, which should provide better results than basic frame blending.
  • Since the app can add new frames, that means you also have the option of creating slow-motion effects. These rely on the same model, while also slowing down playback speed.

Excellent results — but might need some tinkering

  • The program is very easy to work with, and the suggested models tend to be suitable, but not always. It’s generally a good idea to try out multiple models to see which provides the best results. This can be particularly tricky when trying to increase resolution while preserving fine details that blend in with compression artifacts, but I was always able to get a better-looking video in the end.
  • It’s also good not to be overly optimistic. While the app can upscale videos to up to 8K, if you’re trying to process an old 480p clip, you’re asking for a lot.

Relatively fast processing and simple workflow

  • As far as rendering speed is concerned, video upscaling is always going to be a slow process. However, Video AI runs natively on Apple Silicon processors and can take full advantage of their far superior capabilities. If you’re on an older Intel Mac, however, you’re going to have a lot of waiting to do.
  • All in all, Topaz Video AI is one of your best options for video upscaling at the moment. It can compete with any other app of its kind, and its intuitive design makes it an attractive option for non-professionals and those who rely on a straightforward workflow. It also supports batch processing, which is great if you have a bunch of smaller clips to go through.

What’s New

Version 5.3.3:

  • Release notes were unavailable when this listing was updated.


macOS 10.14 or later
Apple Silicon or Intel Core processor


Download Now

Previous Versions Download

Version 5.3.2 - Rapidgator | Nitroflare
Version 5.3.1 - Rapidgator | Nitroflare
Version 5.3.0 - Rapidgator | Nitroflare
Version 5.2.3 - rapidgator |nitroflare
Version 5.2.2 - rapidgator |nitroflare
Version 5.2.1 - rapidgator |nitroflare

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14 Responses

  1. GOAKW says:

    thx for this but very new to mac and having difficulty with the script in Terminal

  2. LoudAndProud says:

    I followed all the instructions, but it still adds a watermark to the export

  3. Austin316 says:

    The Readme is wrong.
    Pls take this one. It works PERFECT

    function hex() {
    echo ”$1” | perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2}+(?![^\(]*\)))|\\x${1}|gs’
    function replace() {
    declare -r dom=$( hex $2 )
    declare -r sub=$( hex $3 )
    sudo perl -0777pi -e ‘BEGIN{$/=\1e8} s|’$dom’|’$sub’|gs’ “$1”
    function prep() {
    sudo xattr -cr “$1”
    sudo xattr -r -d “$1”
    sudo codesign –force –deep –sign – “$1”
    function patch() {
    replace “/Applications/Topaz Video” ‘A3030054’ ‘55000014’
    replace “/Applications/Topaz Video” ‘0F8297000000’ ‘660F1F440000’
    replace “/Applications/Topaz Video” ‘0F8430060000’ ‘E93106000000’
    replace “/Applications/Topaz Video” ‘020054200080’ ‘020054000080’
    replace “/Applications/Topaz Video” ‘B0014180’ ‘B0004180’
    prep “/Applications/Topaz Video”

  4. TrueToThis says:

    The read me Terminal script does not work. Nor does the one posted from Austin316. I get a zsh: Event not found error in terminal.

  5. Austin316 says:

    Then go to the application folder and right click on Topaz Video AI. Show Packages. Then go to Contents/Frameworks. Search for the file “libvideoai.1.2.7.dylib”.
    Make sure that’s the Readme shows the right number “1.2.7”
    Is the number not confirmed with the number from the Topaz AI app then change it in the README file and copy past the complete Text to the Terminal and press enter.

  6. LoudAndProud says:

    thank you very much for your help so far, however I’m still having issues..
    I searched the file “libvideoai.1.2.7.dylib” which I found as “libvideoai.1.1.27.dylib”
    I changed the name of the file in your README to “libvideoai.1.1.27.dylib” and then copy pasted the complete text in Terminal.
    Terminal returned an error : “zsh: Event not found” and Topaz only opens in trial mode..
    Any suggestions?

  7. shuriken says:

    @Austin316 thanks that method definitely works but I get another error when I try to preview or export it throws an AI error on the queue list.

  8. yayyyitsmeee says:

    Installed Topaz Video AI 4.2.1, patched it correctly, opens fine, but it does not appear to have patched the After Effects plugin. Error message in After Effects:

    You do not have a valid license to use Topaz Labs Video Al Plugin.
    Visit the support link in Effects Manager to buy or renew your license.
    No processing will be done until license is active.

    • Tony Stark says:

      If you install the PKG file, you will need to run both scripts.. One for the App, and this one for AE:

      AEplugin_path=’/Applications/Adobe After Effects 2024/Plug-ins/Topaz Video AI.plugin’
      topaz_file=”$AEplugin_path/Contents/MacOS/Topaz Video AI”
      lib_file=”$(readlink -f “$AEplugin_path”/Contents/Frameworks/libvideoai.dylib)”
      hex() {
      perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2}+(?![^\(]*\)))|\\x${1}|gs’ <<<"$1" } replace() { file="$1" dom=$(hex "$2") sub=$(hex "$3") sudo perl -0777pi -e 'BEGIN{$/=\1e8} s|'"$dom"'|'"$sub"'|gs' "$file" } prep() { sudo xattr -r -d "$AEplugin_path" sudo codesign --force --deep --sign - "$AEplugin_path" } patch() { replace "$topaz_file" 'E85C89000085C0' 'B80100000085C0' replace "$topaz_file" '680700B4C01D0094' '680700B420008052' replace "$lib_file" '2A02005420008052' '2A02005400008052' replace "$lib_file" 'B0014180' 'B0004180' } patch prep

  9. Jacob the Shepherd says:

    Post the file when it’s finished cracking maybe no ? If we have to do all these instructions which apparently barely work, maybe it means you posted the file too soon before finishing your job creating a streamlined installer no ? There’s no rush, but this is really just messy.

  10. zopperi says:

    not libvideoai.1.4.dylib but libvideo.1.4.0.dylib

    Topaz Video 5.0.4

  11. fcwr says:

    Topaz Video AI 5.1.0
    After replacing existing signature, still has watermark.

  12. Jacob the Shepherd says:

    Look at this mess in the comments ! Only post once you’ve finished the [K] protocol working nice and neat, there is no rush, we don’t expect last version within the minute if it’s not working well ! Take your time to do this properly…

  13. rynstphn says:

    The current RTF file (posted below) in the download worked fine for me.

    function hex() {
    echo ”$1” | perl -0777pe ‘s|([0-9a-zA-Z]{2}+(?![^\(]*\)))|\\x${1}|gs’

    function replace() {
    declare -r dom=$(hex $2)
    declare -r sub=$(hex $3)
    sudo perl -0777pi -e ‘BEGIN{$/=\1e8} s|’$dom’|’$sub’|gs’ “$1”

    function prep() {
    sudo xattr -cr “$1”
    sudo xattr -r -d “$1”
    sudo codesign –force –deep –sign – “$1”

    function download_and_extract_login_libvideo() {
    tmp_dir=$(mktemp -d)
    curl -L -o $tmp_dir/TopazVideoAI-5.0.4.dmg
    hdiutil attach $tmp_dir/TopazVideoAI-5.0.4.dmg -nobrowse -quiet
    cp /Volumes/Topaz\ Video\ AI\ 5.0.4/Topaz\ Video\ /Applications/Topaz\ Video\
    cp /Volumes/Topaz\ Video\ AI\ 5.0.4/Topaz\ Video\ /Applications/Topaz\ Video\
    hdiutil detach /Volumes/Topaz\ Video\ AI\ 5.0.4 -quiet
    rm -rf $tmp_dir

    function link_dylib() {
    cd /Applications/Topaz\ Video\
    ln -s libaiengine.dylib libaiengine.3.dylib
    rm -rf libvideoai.dylib
    ln -s libvideoai.1.4.0.dylib libvideoai.dylib
    ln -s libvideoai.1.4.0.dylib libvideoai.1.dylib

    function patch_login() {
    replace “/Applications/Topaz Video” ‘a3030054’ ‘55000014’
    replace “/Applications/Topaz Video” ‘0f8297000000’ ‘660f1f440000’
    replace “/Applications/Topaz Video” ‘0f8430060000’ ‘e93106000000’

    function patch_libvideoai() {
    replace “/Applications/Topaz Video” ‘020054200080’ ‘020054000080’
    replace “/Applications/Topaz Video” ‘B0014180’ ‘B0004180’

    function patch() {

    prep “/Applications/Topaz Video”

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