Librarian Pro helps you manage your collection of books, magazines, games, CDs, software titles, and movies. It helps you inventory and retrieve information quickly.
Organize items into smart collections, add them to the in-program Amazon shopping cart, mark them as lent out to friends, and even export for the Web or your iPod! Librarian Pro also supports importing from other cataloging applications like Delicious Library and DVDpedia.
Librarian Pro’s databases are fully compatible with both the Mac OS X and Windows versions. Additionally, one license will grant activation for both copies of the application. Download the free fifteen day trial and have serenity return to your media collections.
What’s New
Version 4.0:
- Complete interface overhaul with countless speed improvements, bug fixed, and tweaks.
- New View option to turn off custom icons for items for very large libraries that may be memory hogs.
- Added Web Finder button in main window.
- Imports Publish Date from Amazon.
- Can now right-click listbox header to move columns.
- Sandboxed on Mac.
- ISBN/UPC/EAN preserved when searching for items and auto-filling from web.
Bug fix:
- Corrected import family as borrowers window from showing a million times.
- Fixed Window menu on Windows.
- Right-clicking item image in Edit window now shows contextual menu to clear it again.
- Currency symbols now show properly.
- Using large icons in the collections list works again.
- Auto-search while typing now searches once per second instead of once every 1/5 of a second.
- Fixed dithering issue when drawing main gallery view which now removes odd grey lines between rows.
- Fixed issues with shadows on items being inverted.
- Can no longer drag a non-existent item.
- Hidden collections now stay hidden when reopening databases.
- Dragged item images are now Retina compatible.
- Fixed issue auto-navigating in the Open/Save dialog box to the Delicious Library 3 folder.
- Items with really long titles should crop their title text on top of their artwork.
- CoverFlow mode and Gallery will now sort by name if no sort direction is chosen.
- CoverFlow displays images very small.
- Fixed crash when pasting into borrower icon.
- Links to iTunes music imports is now correct.
- Databases now remember basic view settings on Windows.
- Fixed issue drawing on HiDPI windows for Gallery View.
- Fixed retrieving 64-bit values from Windows Registry.
- Retina version doesn't show web cam preview in the correct area.
- Fixed Software publishers loading into the wrong field from Amazon.
- Web cam scanning works again on Windows.
- Fixed multiple issues with menu icons either not being Retina or showing wrong size.
- Recents menu no longer leaks memory, and now works correctly overall.
- Fixed crash on contacting support from Windows when including a system report.
OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor
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